Marketing lessons for 2021 and beyond

Marketing lessons for 2021 and beyond

Raise your hand if your 2020 marketing plan included messaging about wearing a mask. No one? To say this year has been unpredictable is becoming cliché. By now, the trying situation facing many restaurant owners and managers around the country is simply a predictable reality more

Band together to boost business

Band together to boost business

Chefs from independent restaurants band together to boost business. Instead of competing for customers, these chefs are collaborating to generate revenue during the pandemic. more

Budgeting for apprentices

Budgeting for apprentices

Industry associations have welcomed a pledge by the Australian Government to subsidise the wage bill of up to 100,000 apprentices and trainees as a helpful move for struggling hotels to arrest the declining rate of new workers. more

Don't close your restaurant!

Don't close your restaurant!

The new normal will increasingly rely on digital. Do you already have a plan? 2020 has meant a challenge for restaurants and businesses, who saw in home delivery applications an option to continue with their business. more

Sharing the Secret Sauce

Sharing the Secret Sauce

Be exclusive! As marketers re-align their plans to respond to new realities, Fernando Machado, the global chief marketing officer of Restaurant Brands International sticks to his recipe for success. Here's a look at how they keep Burger King hot on the trending list with every campaign. more

Up to speed

Up to speed

Now, more than almost any other time in history food businesses are being forced to diversify, sometimes just to survive. Altering your menu to suit the changing demands of customers is not always about increasing the number of high profit lines. Consideration also needs to be given to taste and speed of delivery. more

Beer O'clock

Beer O'clock

Cheap beer could be the key to stimulating Australia's economy as it battles its first recession in nearly 30 years, according to three of Australia's biggest brewers. more

3 years in 5 months

3 years in 5 months

With real estate at a premium and more consumers shifting to digital channels, many restaurants are turning to ghost kitchens and virtual brands to help drive sales with less upfront investment. The pandemic has put that trend in overdrive, helping to establish these models as a real force. more

Preparing for a Profitable Christmas Webinar

Preparing for a Profitable Christmas Webinar

Preparing for a Profitable Christmas Webinar Make opportunities for Christmas celebrations COVID-19 has made celebrating more difficult, and opportunities have to be found in different places. For this pandemic Christmas, people still want to party,... more

How owners can survive even in COVID

How owners can survive even in COVID

In a year when thousands of restaurants have closed and many more are struggling to hang on, this restaurant is currently enjoying sales 5% to 10% above last year's levels. Here's how owners can survive even in COVID. more