The Sizzling Solution for Your High-Pressure Kitchen: The Luus 2 Open Burner Compact Waterless Wok

The Sizzling Solution for Your High-Pressure Kitchen: The Luus 2 Open Burner Compact Waterless Wok

Meet Jimmy Somsak: A Thai Chef with a Problem Imagine you're Jimmy Somsak, a 43-year-old Thai restaurant owner in Dee Why, Sydney. Your restaurant buzzes with activity, your staff dart around the tight kitchen, and the air is filled with tantalising aromas. more

Winter Survival Guide

Winter Survival Guide

Winter is here and with it the dining habits of Australian's change. I mean who wants leave a cozy warm house to go out in the cold and eat. Here is a helpful survival infographic to help you weather the storm. more

When you can stand the heat!

When you can stand the heat!

The unique Skope ActiveCore technology was developed to provide maximum cooling performance while using the least amount of energy. more

Your dream job

Your dream job

This week's fresh serve of news from around the Catering & Restaurant Industry. 1. Menulog is on the hunt for a professional eater 2. 5 budget-friendly marketing tips 3. How To Identify And Satisfy Unhappy Customers 4. Ten key learnings from Hospo Game Changers more