Reasons to Invest in a Food Processor

Reasons to Invest in a Food Processor

Our hands can do a lot in the kitchen. Like any tradesman a chef needs to invest in their tools of the trade. For some this could be a mixer; for others a slicer. A food processor is one tool that many chefs may underestimate the value of for their kitchen. more

tiktok for restaurants

tiktok for restaurants

You need to be on TikTok if you’re a restaurant owner. Period. The “game” has changed building on how to build brand awareness, and it’s time your social media plan does too. more

September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

A 2-door Skope TME1000 will save you over $1,250 per year on running costs compared to some competing products. This means that if you upgrade now, then in just over 3 years you could own this fridge outright and pay for it out of the savings on electricity. more

Irinox EasyFresh Operation Instructions

Irinox EasyFresh Operation Instructions

An Irinox Blast Chiller will transform your business - save time, reduce wastage and watch your profits grow. Here are instructions on how to use this vital piece of equipment. more

Standing out from the crowd

Standing out from the crowd

A well-designed and intentional space creates a dynamic and unique atmosphere for any restaurant. If you’re looking for ways to make your restaurant stand out, here are a few design trends and tips to help turn your eatery into a destination. more

Hospitality Handbook

Hospitality Handbook

With costs on the rise, quality hospitality equipment can become quite expensive. Purchasing equipment outright can put a lot of pressure on our customers cash flow, and potentially limit their basket size. more

How about some extra peace of mind?

How about some extra peace of mind?

At SKOPE they have class leading, affordable, and energy efficient refrigeration in stock and available now. Plus, if you purchase and register your warranty with SKOPE before 19 December, you’ll also get an extra one year warranty – absolutely free! more

Customers are the lifeblood

Customers are the lifeblood

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and restaurants are no exception. The right marketing campaign can help retain your current customers and bring in a lot of new ones, which can ultimately mean more profits. more

An informed choice

An informed choice

Test your next oven, in your kitchen and at no cost. The best investment choices are made on solid, proven performances. Unox Combi Ovens present the Individual Cooking Experience. more

Making a comeback in 2023

Making a comeback in 2023

Proud to be a Chef is making a comeback in 2023 for their annual culinary mentoring program and 32 apprentice chefs from across the country will be given the chance to partake in the initiative. more