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In what ways will AI affect restaurant operations?

In what ways will AI affect restaurant operations?

Original story and image on Hospitality Net

In what ways will AI affect restaurant operations?

A new wave of industrial revolution is here --- AI (artificial intelligence) will change everything we do. Undoubtedly, AI can improve restaurant operations.

Menu Engineering and Quality Control

AI can provide insights into a restaurant’s menu offerings and pricing strategies based on consumer data and market trends. Restaurant owners can adjust the recipes/menu and price accordingly.

AI can help restaurants monitor food temperature, cleanliness, and safety procedures, ensuring they comply with health and safety regulations. For example, AI can remind a sushi chef to replace a sushi plate that has been “sitting” on the conveyor belt for too long with a more popular item.

In what ways will AI affect restaurant operations?

Want to Run a Successful Restaurant? Here’s What you Need to Do

Original story and image on Newstrail

Want to Run a Successful Restaurant? Here’s What you Need to Do

Do you want your restaurant to be as successful as possible? Maybe you feel as though you are falling on hard times and want to do something about this. Either way, there are steps you can take to turn things around, right now.

Consistency is Key

When you run a business, consistency is key. If you talk to any restaurant owner, they will tell you how important it is to make sure that you keep pushing on and that you shouldn’t be changing things up all the time. If you can apply this concept to everything, whether it is sourcing or serving then you will be able to deliver a consistent dining experience and that’s what people will expect from you.

Want to Run a Successful Restaurant? Here’s What you Need to Do

‘Stop the bleeding’: Why experts say retention is key to restaurant labor profitability

Original story and image on Restaurant Drive

‘Stop the bleeding’: Why experts say retention is key to restaurant labor profitability

After trimming worker hours and hiking menu prices to offset rising labor costs, many restaurants feel backed into a corner, labor experts said during a Restaurant Finance & Development Conference panel on Tuesday.  

But the solution isn’t more cash for hiring, warned Luke Fryer, CEO of hospitality workforce management firm Harri. Even if a chain has the money to bolster its workforce, the tight labor market may not be able to deliver the number or type of workers a restaurant needs. 

‘Stop the bleeding’: Why experts say retention is key to restaurant labor profitability

Reputation is Vital to Survival in Turbulent Markets

Original story and image on Harvard business Review

Reputation is Vital to Survival in Turbulent Markets

Reputation and resilience are key ingredients that determine whether companies will survive tumultuous markets

In developed countries, the best friends of businesses are the legal, political, and social institutions—banks, courts, intellectual property safeguards—that provide a protective and predictable environment for companies to compete. The reality is much different in developing economies, where the rule of law might be poorly enforced, social anarchy flourishes, or the military runs the government.

So, it is quite remarkable when entrepreneurs in developing economies not only prosper, but also sustain businesses over the long run: companies such as Tata Group, founded in India in 1868, or Mexican bakery Grupo Bimbo, started in 1945.

Reputation is Vital to Survival in Turbulent Markets

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