5 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Kitchen


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5 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Kitchen


To combat slim margins, restaurant kitchens should prioritize efficient and productive kitchen operations. With over 15 years of experience as a chef, and thanks to some of the new developments in tech, I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way to help increase productivity and increase the bottom line in your restaurants. Here are five of them: 

5 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Kitchen

5 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Kitchen Original story and image on FSR Magazine

Why Are Restaurants Considered A High-Risk Business Venture? Original story and image on PopTopic

Why Are Restaurants Considered A High-Risk Business Venture?

The foodservice industry has always been an attractive option for entrepreneurs who are looking to start a business. However, the harsh reality is that it is also considered one of the riskiest business ventures to be involved in.

Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom. In fact, success is entirely achievable when business owners take the time to understand the common risks and challenges associated with restaurant ownership, and devise appropriate fail-safes to ensure a favourable outcome.

Today, we explore 7 reasons why restaurants are considered a high-risk business venture, in a bid to help you navigate and overcome common industry-related challenges.

Why Are Restaurants Considered A High-Risk Business Venture?

Stop the culinary cringe, it’s time we redefined what is ‘Australian food’

Starting with the halal snack pack and capricciosa pizza. They’re uniquely Australian dishes yet haven’t been embraced the way New Yorkers do their cheese slice. Our immigrant cultures are forging new edible identities and it’s time we celebrate them like we have the pavlova.

In a recent episode of The Project, Curtis Stone made an appearance to speak about his pride in Australian cuisine. “It is really unique,” he said. “It is really special, but it’s not an easy thing to describe.”

In his role as an official and unofficial spokesperson for Australia and its edible bounty, even our most visible envoy is not quite able to define what we mean when we say “Australian food”.

Stop the culinary cringe

Stop the culinary cringe, it’s time we redefined what is ‘Australian food’ Original story and image on SMH - Good Food

5 reasons why customer service is important in hospitality Original story and image on National Tribune

5 reasons why customer service is important in hospitality

When it comes to the hospitality industry, good customer service forms the foundation that every successful business is built upon. Whether it’s a small boutique hotel, a big international resort or a local restaurant, providing excellent customer service is essential for any business to thrive. But that’s not the end of the story.

Customer service is changing; with new digital services and AI chatbots growing in the hospitality industry, what does customer service mean in the digital age? What is important to customers today, and what happens when they aren’t satisfied with service?

To answer these questions, let’s take a look at some recent data and see the five key reasons why it’s essential to provide great customer service online and in-house in 2023.

5 reasons why customer service is important in hospitality

Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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