An informed choice

An informed choice

Test your next oven, in your kitchen and at no cost. The best investment choices are made on solid, proven performances. Unox Combi Ovens present the Individual Cooking Experience. more

Expand your menu

Expand your menu

Expand your menu by adding a Roband Frypod deep fryer to your cooking lineup. Delivering perfectly fried food time after time with its performance, safety and cleanliness of operation. more

Crisp and crunchy

Crisp and crunchy

Crunchy and light dishes are ideal for when the warmer months roll around. And with the Christmas season just 4 months away is it time to upgrade your commercial kitchen deep fryer now so that you have time to work on and nail your menu? more

Cooking oil prices are going through the roof

Cooking oil prices are going through the roof

Using a Kaybee Oil Filter daily will extend the life of your oil by up to 50%, effectively halving the cost of your oil. Add safe handling, ease of cleaning, low ownership cost and rapid return on investment, and it’s a no-brainer. more

A control freak in the kitchen!

A control freak in the kitchen!

Built to the specifications of chefs, the Control Freak induction cooktop is the first commercial-grade cooker that precisely holds any cooking temperature from 25°C to 250°C with unparalleled precision. more

Six smart ways to use a combi

Six smart ways to use a combi

When purchasing a new combi oven you should consider the improvements this equipment will make to your kitchen. Here are 6 smart ways a RATIONAL combi will improve what you do on your commercial kitchen operation. more

How easy is cleaning your combi oven?

How easy is cleaning your combi oven?

In commercial kitchens, cleaning ovens and other equipment is usually done on a schedule or when someone notices that it’s too dirty. This is where the Efficient Care Control function on the iCombi Pro comes into play. more

Keep it clean

Keep it clean

Protect the performance of your Unox combi oven. UNOX DET&Rinse detergents are specially designed to guarantee maximum hygiene levels, lower consumption and long life of your combi steamer oven. more

Putting your chips on the table

Putting your chips on the table

Anets deep fryers offer a smarter frying equipment solution at a price point that represents true value for money. Anets products contain unique design features that will benefit customers every single day. more

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Supply chain issues have impacted the hospitality industry hard. Delays in delivery are now typical, especially with so much equipment being imported into Australia. So what do you do if you urgently require new equipment? more