Why do customers order fast food online?


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A Secular Shift To Online Food Ordering

Online/Mobile Ordering vs. Offline Ordering ( Based on data gathered from Cowen and Company Research Report.) - A Secular Shift To Online Food Ordering

Why do customers order fast food online?

I live at Dee Why on the Northern Beaches. Let me tell you there’s no shortage of Restaurants.

As I walk around Dee Why, I notice some Restaurants are always busy. While others just seem like vacant lots they always look empty.

I find it distressing seeing good folk putting their heart n soul into these struggling business.

It takes a lot of commitment, effort & money to run a Restaurant.

So one day as I was walking past a restaurant around the corner from my home. So I was curious, so I stuck my head in to see why it seemed so quiet.

I had got Take Away from them a couple of times. It always tasted good.

So I could not understand why they seem quiet.

As I started talking to the guy behind the counter, I noticed the kitchen was humming along.

It didn't make sense. There was hardly anyone in their restaurant yet the kitchen was going gangbusters.

So pull I the guy aside. "Hey what’s going on?, Why are they so busy?"

He replied,"It’s Tuesday, so most our orders are for Take Away,""

Then it dawns on me, of course, I use the internet to get my Take Aways.

I still get the occasional menu stuffed in my letterbox. Not that I keep them. Otherwise, the menus would wallpaper my fridge.

So I guess I'm not the only one that doesn't keep all these menus.

My Google Search Dee Why Thai

My Google Search Dee Why Thai

So if I do a Google Search for Thai Restaurant in Dee Why. The first 4 spots belong to menulog.

So I was curious to see how many of the restaurant offered online take AwAy Ordering.

Cowboy Thai

Cowboy Thai

You can book with either Menulog or eatnow.com.au

What’s more, they don’t even have a website

Amy@Lemon Thai

Amy@Lemon Thai

So it doesn't matter which restaurant I choice I can order online take & even get it delivered.

So this what Menulog looks like

Menulog Dee Whty thai

So if you have a restaurant and you have not jumped onboard online ordering, then you're missing out.

It could be the difference of your restaurant surviving or not.

If you still not convinced then check out these stats.

Online Ordering Take Away Stats

  • The Google Consumer Barometer Survey from 2014/2015 concludes that 40% of millennials research their purchases on smartphones, more than twice as many as people ages 35+ - Google Consumer Barometer Survey...
  • Mobile consumption and usage have never been higher...
  • Menulog Dee Whty thai

  • Smartphone ownership in Australia increased from 11.1 million in 2013 to 15.3 million in mid-2015. During the same period, tablet ownership increased from 6.3 million to 11.2 million. Smartphone and tablet make up 63% of total time spent on devices in September 2015 - 2016 Australian Mobile Statistics: How Digital Is Increasingly A Mobile-First Experience
  • In April 2016, an online survey by Morgan Stanley and AlphaWise studied U.S consumers on their preferences on restaurant brands and food delivery aggregators and services. Of over 5,000 consumers surveyed, the top 3 reasons for not ordering food online were: “Expensive” (37 percent), “Prefer to order take-out food” (23 percent) and “Delivery ordering service not available” (18 percent).- 2016 Restaurant Industry Statistics That Made The Industry Tick...
  • The market for online food delivery remains as large as ever, with a huge section of this market still being overwhelmingly offline. For instance, 51 percent of all mobile searches on Google are for restaurants, yet as few as 5 percent have mobile-optimised websites - How Tech Is Killing Off Independent Pizzerias...
  • 70% of smartphone users view restaurant menus on their phones. If you haven’t already, be sure to include a full menu on your restaurant’s site too. Consumers want to review your menu before visiting. Also, make sure your website is mobile-friendly come 2016. If not, you could be missing out on a lot of patrons unable to find you online.- 10 Startling Restaurant Statistics in 2015...
  • 34% of consumers say technology makes them opt for takeout or delivery more often. If you offer takeout or delivery, then it’s time to invest in your digital marketing. Consider adding online ordering capability to your site. - 10 Startling Restaurant Statistics in 2015 /blog .qsronline.com/10-startling-restaurant-statistics-in-2015/
  • The Menulog network to more than 8,500 restaurants across the country, offering over 130 different cuisines - Menulog About Us Menulog About Us...
  • 83% of adults use smartphones or tablets to look up restaurant locations, directions, and hours. 75% look up menus, 55% read reviews, 51% order takeout or delivery directly from the restaurant website, and 50% use rewards or special deals.(Source) The most important technology feature for guests are online reservations (36%), free wifi (23%), and online or mobile ordering (19%). (Source)
  • $46 million and $25 million were invested in food ordering companies in 2013 and 2012, respectively, a staggering $600 million was invested in 2014. Mapping the Technology Landscape
  • Why do customers order fast food online?

  • Two reasons stand out. Sixty-nine percent of adults surveyed said they order via fast food app to avoid
  • lines and crowds, while 66% indicated they use such apps to earn points, rewards, or discounts...
  • It's more convenient than ordering through employees: 53%...
  • It's easier to pay for the order: 50%...
  • I just enjoy using technology: 43%...
  • To easily repeat orders in the future: 36%...
  • To avoid incorrect orders/miscommunication: 33%...
  • To track the progress of orders: 24%...
  • Faster Fast Food? 1,000 Americans Surveyed about Mobile Ordering

    These stats makes it a slam dunk why if you have a restaurant then you need to let your customers order online.

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