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Top Tips to future proof your restaurant


What will restaurants look like post Covid-19?One positive outcome from the pandemic has been the opportunity for restaurants to innovate and find new, creative ways to serve customers.

Hand sanitiser stations are here to stay

Protect your staff and customers by having hand sanitiser readily available at your front door.There is nothing more important than feeling comfortable in any environment and believe me, everyone is now acutely aware of the value of hand sanitiser.This morning my eleven year old son and I went out for breakfast, which is our normal Friday morning routine and it was pleasing to see him head straight to the sanitiser when we entered the cafe at Dee Why.Product ...Hand sanitising in actionTake away has become a vital income stream for most food businesses

Take away

Now that take away has become a vital income stream for most food businesses it is time to make sure that you have your systems streamlined to perfect your offer.A app or webpage offering is probably the best way to move forward, even it is with a third party provider. Whatever you choose, make sure it is simple to use.Take advantage of some of the new delivery services that charge the restaurant little or no money. You can read my previous blog post to find out more about this...See post ...

Contactless ordering and payment

Restaurants have experienced rapid digital acceleration as a result of the pandemic.Use QR codes to make ordering and payment easier for the customer at their tableProduct ...Bepoz systems make it easyReduce the number of items on your menu

Streamline your menu

Do you offer the same menu for dine in and take out? The answer is most probably yes.Consider the differences between the time taken for the food to arrive at your customers home versus taking a plate to the table. Make sure you find out what the best packaging is so your food arrives hot and still looking attractive.Reducing the number of items offered on your menu and adding or keeping the higher-margin popular items is a great place to start.Product ...

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If you are looking to buy products to future proof your restaurant or cafe at the best price, then let us do the hard work and source the right product for your restaurant, cafe, takeaway or commercial kitchen.Our goal at SCK is to sell you products that add value to your business.We power your kitchen!

Doing Rounds of The Kitchen Table

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