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Putting your chips on the table

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Anets deep fryers offer a smarter frying equipment solution    at a price point that represents true value for money. Anets products contain unique design features that will benefit customers every single day.  

Anets Commercial Deep Fryers

The Anets Goldenfry design is Australia’s best value high production fryer.

The renowned open pot with over 430 copper flashed heat exchangers delivers outstanding performance. This patented and unique cross fire burner system splits the flame to ensure maximum heat transfer into the frypot at optimum efficiency.   

The Goldenfry open pot fryer can be used with inbuilt filter systems.

Goldenfry Gas Tube Fryers

The Anets Goldenfry range now includes a wide variety of tube fryers using the inverted burner design to deliver efficiency and fast recovery.

The Anets Gold Series Fryers feature superior production and offer significant savings with oil filtration options.

Oil Filtration

In-built oil filtration systems used with an Anets deep fryer allows you to double the life of your oil and in doing so half the cost of buying replacement oil. You also reduce the amount of waste oil that is removed from your premises.

Goldenfry Gas Tube Fryers

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Categories: Cooking Equipment
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