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On-tap sparkling water made easy!


On demand sparkling water

Crystella Chilled Sparkling and Still Water Systems

Enjoy the convenience of Crystella pure, still and sparkling water-on tap. Your staff and customers will also love the eco benefits of less bottles with this beautifully designed, innovative solution. Crystella on-tap sparkling water made easy provides sustainable, efficient sparkling water solutions that can improve customer experience. "Crystella is a whole lot better than bottled water,"" Bekka Restaurant, Melbourne

Crystella is Convenient

Imagine having premium restaurant grade filtered still and sparkling water on-tap? No more storing boxes of sparkling water to meet your demand.

Crystella is Sustainable

Dramatically reduce plastic bottle wastage in your business by swapping to pure, still and sparkling water on-tap.

Crystella is Healthy

Keep your customers hydrated and healthy with Crystella pure and natural water. Crystella provides an innovative on-tap, pure, still or sparkling water solution for your customers at minimal cost and great profit potential. "We increased both sales and profit with Crystella,"" Black Fire Restaurant, Brisbane Crystella was born from a passion to create a better instantaneous purified water that is a purer and more sustainable alternative to pre-bottled sparkling and chilled water. Italian designed and backed by over 40 years of engineering experience, Crystella is a premium quality purified water installation that can enhance and compliment any dining experience.

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Categories: Drink Equipment
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