Last Chance to get your Free online registration To Fine Food
It's your time to make plans to get to Fine Food Australia in Melbourne
It's all about Food
As it say on there website //"WE KNOW A THING OR TWO ABOUT FOOD"
It's your last Chance to get your Free online registration To Fine Food
Online registrations close 5pm AEST Friday 9 September 2016. There is a $30 door charge for those who do not register online.
Last Chance to get your Free online registration To Fine Food...
Free online registration closes this Friday 9 September at 5pm AEST. Activate your badge now to save the $30 door charge and fast-track your entry.
They've made it easy for you - simply click on the link below and fill out the registration form (it takes less than 3 minutes) and you'll receive your badge via email. Activate your badge...Go to Get your Ticket & Activate your Fine Food badge
Online registrations close 5pm AEST Friday 9 September 2016. There is a $30 door charge for those who do not register online.
If you need another reason to get down to Melbourne this weekend, the Footy Finals on this Weekend.
Remember Holden Television Ad from 1970's
"We love football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden Cars!"Whether you follow the NRL or the AFL you will catch a game in Melbourne
As Roy & HG would say "It's Festival of The Boot"
Geelong Vs Hawthorn
If the AFL your game, then you got the Qualifying Final 2 Geelong Cats v Hawthorn
s"/assets/modules/homepage/images/blog/afl_cats_vs_Hawks_final1.png7:50PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 09, 2016 at MCG
The Hawks are going for the 4th Grand Final win in a row. It's 2nd vs 3rd. The last time they played in round 1 The Cats smashed the Hawks. The Hawks midfield generals Hodge & Mitchell vs Selwood & Dangerfeild, it's sure to be a cracker of game.
If you follow the NRL then you go to Qualifying Final Storm v Cowboys
Melbourne vs Townsville
7:55 pm Saturday, SEPTEMBER 10 at AAMI Park
The Storm and Cowboys have a fierce rivalry of Queensland Origin players and will play out in the third game of the 2016 NRL Telstra Premiership Finals Series. The Storm will be looking to continue the momentum as they face last year’s Premiers, while JT and the Cowboys will be pushing towards back to back Premierships. Both teams will be looking to secure themselves a week off and progress straight through to a week three Preliminary final.
Food & Footy the perfect combination.
Otherwise just go to check out this trade exhibition with 32 years experience in the food industry,
Check out the video below for a short preview of what you can expect to see at Fine Food Australia 2016