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Here's A Hand Up!


Complete this survey and find out how other businesses are faring

Keeping strong

Whilst, thanks to covid, everything seems to be going to sh!t... there are some really great stories from within our industry. More than that there are so many incredible people 'quietly' doing wonderful things for their staff and the community. How do they know? Restaurant Profits asked and people told them.Restaurant Profits and MyGuestlist sent this positive survey out to 3,000 people and the answers were heartwarming and astute. They tell of an industry in pain but resilient and heart centred. Why are they telling you this? Restaurant Profits would like you to tell them your thoughts, insights and stories. Let them know what you have learned and done during this global covid challenge. They will then share everyone elses stories with you and invite you to a webinar filled with those people so you can learn, share and grow with like-minded positive members of our hospitality community.Take the Survey

Make your business our next satisfied client

If you are looking to buy a restaurant equipment at the best price, then let us do the hard work and source the right product for your restaurant, cafe, takeaway or commercial kitchen.Our goal at SCK is to sell you products that add value to your business.We power your kitchen!

Make your business our next satisfied client

If you are looking to buy equipment for your cafe or restaurant at the best price, then let us do the hard work and source the right product for your restaurant, cafe, takeaway or commercial kitchen.

Our goal at SCK is to sell you products that add value to your business.

We power your kitchen!

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