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Brema Ice Makers with inbuilt drainage pumps.


. Water cannot travel uphill Ice machines play a critical role in hospitality businesses. For many food businesses, an undercounter ice maker is the ideal choice. With undercounter ice machines you have two options regarding the choice of drainage systems: a gravity drain or an inbuilt drain pump. It is imperative that there is some form of drainage nearby as ice makers have a constant requirement for removing water, especially during the defrost cycle. However, in many situations there is not adequate drainage available, for a host of reasons. The drain pump therefore, is designed to remove excess water from ice machines installed in areas without direct drainage access. Remember, water cannot travel uphill, without assistance!

Improve the performance of your ice machine.

There is nothing worse than buying a new ice machine, only to have it breakdown consistently. Did you know that more than 60% of warranty issues with new undercounter ice machines are typically related to drainage problems? And of course, a drainage problem is not a warrantable item, so you will have to pay for the service call yourself! So, by purchasing an icemaker with a drain pump you significantly reduce the chance that your machine will cause you problems. Warning: failure to provide an adequate drainage system can result in surrounding water damage and/or poor ice production. Also water on the floor can create an WHS issue for your staff.

Brema Ice Makers with inbuilt Drain Pumps

Brema's flagship CB range offers self-contained ice machines for bench top, under bench or free-standing installation. These machines produce attractive, crystalline cubes weighing 13g which rapidly chill and enhance the appearance of any beverage. The CB range of self-contained ice cube machines is the perfect fit for cafes, restaurants, hotels, bars and nightclubs. For Australian conditions we use the following for ice production capacity: 32°C air temperature & 21°C water temperature. The Brema CB316A is an under bench ice cube machine that produces 25kg of ice per 24 hours and has storage capacity of 16kg. The Brema CB416A-DP is an under bench ice cube machine that produces 33kg of ice per 24 hours and has storage capacity of 16kg. The Brema CB425A-DP is a ice cube machine that produces 36kg of ice per 24 hours and has storage capacity of 25kg.

Brema Drain Pumps

The drain pump is located inside the machine in the drain area without without increasing dimensions or changing the electrical and hydraulic connections that remain standard. The drain pump is supplied already mounted on the machine machine and can not be ordered as an accessory for any post installations. Brema Drain Pump Location Brema Drain Pump internal view It will will only only be available on air air–condensed models and it will also work with power cut off, provided it is connected to mains power supply, which will allow the container to be emptied out of any water from the ice melting. In the case of malfunction or breakage of the component, a seal will prevent the spillage of water.

How is it Done?

• A. Bin Drain • B. Pressure switch that manages the drain pump action • C. Bin • D. Pump • E. Drain • F. Gasket • G. Hose Clamp               

How does it Work?

• 1. Water in • 2. Maximum water level • 3. Pressure switch that manages DP action • 4. Pump impeller pushing the water out • 5. Non return valve • 6. Drain pipe      

Your questions answered

These are commonly asked questions regarding ice makers with a built in drain pump. Will the drain pump on my ice maker require maintenance? The short answer is yes. Like all equipment they require maintenance. My ice maker suppliers recommend the following schedule: • Every 2 weeks: clean the filter • Every 6 months: flush the pump • Note: you may require a technician to provide this service.

Attract cool profits with the right ice - Brema Ice Guide...

For innovative ice with endless possibilities and reliability your best bet is Brema... Click here to get a copy of our Brema Ice Guide

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Categories: Ice Makers
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