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6 Brilliant Ways to Attract the Corporate Lunch Crowd to Your Restaurant

6 Brilliant Ways to Attract the Corporate Lunch Crowd to Your Restaurant

Original story and image on Restaurant Engine

6 Brilliant Ways to Attract the Corporate Lunch Crowd to Your Restaurant

Looking to improve your profitability over the lunch hour?

It turns out that workers who take a lunch break and actually leave their offices are more satisfied with their jobs and may even be more efficient. Knowing this can help you craft a marketing strategy to get more office workers in your restaurant over the lunch hour.

While many restaurants are busy during the dinner rush, they struggle to fill their tables from 11 am – 2 pm. To help you, we’ve put together six brilliant ways to attract the corporate lunch crowd to your restaurant.

#1: Offer Lunch-Only Specials

For many businesspeople eating out every day can get expensive. You can help them out with their weekly food budget while also encouraging them to dine at your restaurant. (tweet this) How?

Offer specials to entice the office crowd to lunch. Your specials might even reach office workers who are a little further away from your office.

6 Brilliant Ways to Attract the Corporate Lunch Crowd to Your Restaurant

7 Proven Strategies on How to Increase Restaurant Sales

Original story and image on Next Restaurants

7 Proven Strategies on How to Increase Restaurant Sales

A common challenge keeps many restaurant owners up at night: boosting sales and keeping the doors open in an ever-evolving restaurant industry. This is a struggle for about 80% of restaurateurs worldwide, as they understand customer preferences and deal with higher food costs and fierce competition. But even though things might seem tough, there’s hope — a bunch of proven strategies that have helped restaurant owners beat these problems and do well.

If you’re looking for tips and insights on how to run a successful restaurant business, review these seven proven strategies for increasing restaurant sales. From innovative marketing techniques to strategic menu optimization, these methods offer a roadmap for encouraging repeat business and feeling excited to welcome new customers.

7 Proven Strategies on How to Increase Restaurant Sales

4 challenges to address as AI takes over the restaurant industry

Original story and image on Nation's Resaurant News

4 challenges to address as AI takes over the restaurant industry

Although it seems like AI and robotics have penetrated many aspects of restaurant operations, the truth is that the hospitality industry is still in the early stages of implementation. In fact, according to recent data from the Nation’s Restaurant News Intelligence Tech Market Leader Report, 63% of operators do not currently use AI.

At the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago, experts and operators explored the questions and challenges around AI and robotics for the average hospitality operator during the “Revolutionizing Hospitality: The Journey of AI and Robotics in Enhancing Guest Experiences” education session The most simple issue? Internet connectivity.

4 challenges to address as AI takes over the restaurant industry

Lessons from Eurovision: what can hospitality learn from a song contest

Original story and image on Hospitality Net

Lessons from Eurovision: what can hospitality learn from a song contest

A man in a giant hamster wheel. A monster playing guitar. Six grandmas dancing around an oven. If you’re unfamiliar with Eurovision, you’d be forgiven for thinking I’m losing my mind. But these wildly different scenes really did happen, and they have something in common: they’re all lessons in great hospitality.

Eurovision is the world’s biggest song competition. Once a year, Europe (and Australia – don’t ask) gets together to celebrate the continent’s latest musical offerings, throw a huge party, and crown a worthy winner. It’s a spectacle like no other, which is why over 200 million people tune in.

Besides proving a huge boost for its host city (revenue managers in Malmo are currently rubbing their hands in glee), Eurovision is a valuable example of how to provide remarkable hospitality. Let’s take it away.

Don’t be bland

Lessons from Eurovision: what can hospitality learn from a song contest

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